New English Translation of St. Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae (Summa Theologica)

by Alfred J. Freddoso
University of Notre Dame

Tertia Parts (Part 3)

Table of contents:  Part 3

The Incarnation Q. 1:  The Fittingness of the Incarnation
Q.2:  The Mode of Union of the Incarnate Word as regards the Union Itself Q. 3:  The Union on the Part of the Assuming Person
Q. 4:  The Union on the Part of What is Assumed Q. 5:  The Assumption of the Parts of the Human Nature Q. 6:  The Ordering of the Assumption Q. 7:  The Grace of Christ insofar as He is an Individual Man
Q. 8:  The Grace of Christ insofar as He is Head of the ChurchQ. 9:  Christ's Knowledge in GeneralQ. 10:  The Beatific Knowledge that Belongs to Christ's SoulQ. 11:  The Knowledge Infixed in, i.e., Infused into, Christ's Soul
Q. 12:  The Acquired or Experiential Knowledge that Belongs to Christ's SoulQ. 13: The Power belonging to Christ's SoulQ. 14:  The Bodily Weaknesses that Christ Took On in His Human NatureQ. 15:  The Weaknesses Belonging to His Soul that Christ Took On in His Human Nature
Q. 16:  Things that Belong to Christ with respect to His Esse and Coming-to-existQ. 17:  Christ's Oneness with respect to EsseQ. 18:  Christ's Oneness with respect to WillingQ. 19:  Christ's Oneness with respect to Operation
Q. 20:  Christ's Subjection to the FatherQ. 21:  Christ's PrayerQ. 22:  Christ's PriesthoodQ. 23:  Whether or not Adoption belongs to Christ
Q. 24:  Christ's PredestinationQ. 25:  Adoring ChristQ. 26:  On Christ's being Called the Mediator between God and Men

The Life of Christ Q. 27:  The Sanctification of the Blessed Virgin Q. 28:  The Virginity of the Mother of God Q. 29:  The Espousal of the Mother of God
Q. 30:   The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Q. 31:  The Matter from which the Savior's Body was Conceived Q. 32:  The Active Principle in Christ's Conception Q. 33:  The Manner and Order of Christ's Conception
Q. 34:   The Perfection of the Conceived Child
Q. 35:  Christ's Nativity Q. 36:  The Manifestion of the Newborn Christ Q. 37:  Christ's Circumcision and the Other Legalities Observed with respect to the Christ Child
Q. 38:   John's Baptizing in General
Q. 39:  The Baptism of Christ by John
Q. 40:  Christ's Manner of Life Q. 41:  The Temptation of Christ
Q. 42:  Christ's Teaching Q. 43:  The Miracles Performed by Christ, in General Q. 44:  The Individual Species of Miracles Q. 45:  Christ's Transfiguration
Q. 46:   Christ's Passion in Itself
Q. 47:  The Efficient Cause of Christ's Passion Q. 48:  The Manner of Effecting that Belongs to Christ's Passion Q. 49:  The Effects of Christ's Passion
Q. 50:  Christ's Death Q. 51:  Christ's BurialQ. 52:  Christ's Descent into HellQ. 53:  Christ's Resurrection
Q. 54:  The Quality of the Risen ChristQ. 55:  The Manifestation of the ResurrectionQ. 56:  The Causality that Belongs to Christ's ResurrectionQ. 57:  Christ's Ascension
Q. 58:  Christ's Sitting at the Right Hand of the FatherQ. 59:  Christ's Power to Judge

The Sacraments in General
Q. 60:  What a Sacrament Is Q. 61:  The Necessity for the Sacraments Q. 62:  The Principal Effect of the Sacraments, viz., Grace
Q. 63:  The Other Effect of the Sacraments, viz., the Character Q. 64:  The Causes of the Sacraments Q. 65:  The Number of the Sacraments

Q. 66:   The Sacrament of Baptism Q. 67:   The Ministers by whom the Sacrament of Baptism is Conferred Q. 68:   The Recipients of Baptism
Q. 69:  The Effects of Baptism Q. 70:   Circumcision Q. 71:  Catechesis and Exorcism  

Q. 72:  The Sacrament of Confirmation    

Holy Eucharist
Q. 73:  The Sacrament of the Eucharist Q. 74:  The Matter of This Sacrament Q. 75:  The Conversion of the Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ
Q. 76:  The Mode in which Christ Exists in This Sacrament Q. 77:  The Accidents that Remain in This SacramentQ. 78:  The Form of This SacramentQ. 79:  The Effects of This Sacrament
Q. 80:  The Use, i.e., Consumption, of This SacramentQ. 81:  The Use of This Sacrament by which Christ was Consumed in its First InstitutionQ. 82:  The Minister of This SacramentQ. 83:  The Rite of This Sacrament

Q. 84:  Penance insofar as it is a Sacrament  Q. 85:  Penance insofar as it is a Virtue Q. 86:  The Effect of Penance as regards the Remission of Moral Sins
Q. 87:  The Remission of Venial SinsQ. 88:  The Return of Sinners After Their Sins Have Been RemittedQ. 89:  The Recovery of Virtues through PenanceQ. 90: The Parts of Penance in General